Here’s an open source iOS library from Pierre-Oliver Latour that provides a lightweight embeddable http web server called GCDWebServer.

GCDWebServer is built with an event-driven design using grand central dispatch, and provides a number of very nice extra features such as JSON parsing and serialization, http compression with gzip and more. There are also extensions providing an interface for uploading/downloading files, and a WEBDAVServer.

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Can you imagine building a house without an architect? Or designing a car without a drawing board?

The same applies to web design, mobile application design or any interface design. The smallest things in the world need design too.

Creating wireframes is essential in making a quality product which meets certain expectations.

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View Controllers in iOS: we need to talk. You are—without a shadow of a doubt—the worst offender of the Single Responsibility Principle, and that needs to stop. The Single Responsibility Principle or SRP, is defined by Robert Martin (or, more affectionately, “Uncle Bob”) in his book Agile Software Development as the following:”A class should have only one reason to change.”

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Here’s an open source library that is inspired by Ruby’s VCR library allowing you to record your http interactions and replay the session VCRUrlConnection.VCRURLConnection swizzles NSURLConnection allowing you to automatically save the complete HTTP interactions to disk on a JSON file that you can easily edit so you can quickly create tests for specific situations with invalid/missing networking data, and then easily play your original or customized interactions through your app.

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Here’s a handy Ruby Gem from Daniel Doubrovkine that allows you to very easily find unused class imports and allows you to delete those files. You can delete unused classes with a prompt so you can be certain that you’re not deleting anything important.

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mail-squareMailBot to zestaw narzędzi zbudowanych w oparciu o projekt Web App Engine, którego celem jest automatyczna obsługa wielu kont pocztowych i wykonywanie zaprogramowanych czynności ułatwiających zarządzanie korespondencją w małych i średnich firmach.

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