There are countless articles on MVVM in iOS, but few are specifically about RxSwift, and few focus on what MVVM looks like in practice and how to do it.
Single-file Cocoa application with Swift
Coming from a Ruby background, Xcode – and IDEs in general – never really feels like home to me. I often miss Vim and hope to get as much done in the terminal as possible.
Working in the IDE, I often feel there’s a lot hidden out of sight. Hidden behind config files, property lists, some unknown IDE defaults. A lot I don’t know and a lot that gets done for me rather than by me. Surely there’s some benefit to that. But the downside is that the inner workings of an application can be poorly understood.
OAuth 2.0 with Swift Tutorial
OAuth 2.0 is a tricky subject. In this tutorial you will learn how to use OAuth2 in an iOS app, in 3 different ways.
Deferring and Delegating in Swift 2
We’re used to the Cocoa framework having classes that are assigned delegates from actions such as XML parsing. But what if we want to create our own types with our own delegates.
little bites of cocoa — #19: Protocol Extensions
Protocol Extensions are a new feature of Swift 2. They allow you to add new functions (complete with implementations) to any class that implements a protocol. The functionality is best explained with a simple example. Let’s say you wanted to add a way to shuffle arrays.
iOS: Second try to NSOperation and long running tasks : Tomasz Szulc
Yesterday I wrote about using NSOperation for background tasks. It was more about long running tasks. When I finished writing the code I wasn’t so happy about how it looked. There were few bad things that I didn’t like. If you didn’t read the first version give it a try and next continue this one,Read more
Open Source iOS Component For Easily Making Interfaces More Dynamic With A Configurable Wobbling Effect
Here’s an open source component from Wojtek Lukaszuk that allows you to add a neat wobbling effect to a view which is great for user interactions such as when sliding cells in a table view called WobbleView.
RichEditorView for iOS
RichEditorView is a simple, modular, drop-in UIView subclass for Rich Text Editing. Written in Swift 1.2 (Xcode 6.3). Supports iOS 8 through Cocoapods, or iOS 7 by including the source in your project.
RMPZoomTransitionAnimator – Pinterest-like transition for iOS
RMPZoomTransitionAnimator provide a custom transition zooming animation. This transition animation is like the “Pinterest” animation, but this is very simple and small library.
Open Source iOS Component For Creating Custom Tab Bars That Fold/Expand With Neat Animations
Here’s an open source component called FoldingTabBar submitted by Yalantis that allows you to easily create expanding tab bars.