Automate the app deployment process for the various stages of development, for example, builds for test, beta releases and the App Store.

Creators of fastlane summarize the open source project as follows:

fastlane lets you define and run your deployment pipelines for different environments. It helps you unify your app’s release process and automate the whole process. fastlane connects all fastlane tools and third party tools, like CocoaPods and xctool.

Visit fastlane.tools to read more about the tool.

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CocoaPods 0.36 will bring the long-awaited support for Frameworks and Swift. It isn’t released and considered stable yet, but a beta is now available for everyone via [sudo] gem install cocoapods --pre. Pod authors will especially want to try this version to make sure their pods will work with the upcoming release. This is because if a single dependency in a user’s project requires being a framework, then your Pod will also become a framework.

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The excellent playground feature in Xcode 6 provides a great way to create interactive programming examples, but unfortunately only works with Swift.

Here’s a library submitted by Krzysztof Zablocki providing an extensive feature set for creating Playgrounds in Objective-C called KZPlayground.

Some of the features of KZPlayground as stated in the readme include:

  • Faster than Swift playgrounds (a lot)
  • Extra controls for tweaking:
    • values
    • images
  • Auto-animated values
  • Synchronizing DSL’s
  • Buttons
  • IDE agnostic, once you run it, you can modify the code even from vim.
  • Full iOS simulator and access to all iOS features, so you can prototype production ready code.
  • Nice DSL for rapid prototyping
  • CocoaPods support, so you can add it to existing projects to experiment
  • Open source, anyone can contribute to make them better!

An example project is included.

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Maintaining a continuous integration server for iOS can be a considerable expense of time and hardware.

Some the features of Greenhouse CI include:

Easy setup and auto detection of project settings

AUtomated testing on virtual devices

Builds hosted in a cloud based environment

Easy downloading of built applications with Testflight and HockeyApp integration

Support for the Xcode build system, Xctool and Cocoapods

Special team features

A free account for up to 2 apps

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Continuous Integration is a must have for all modern development projects, including iOS apps. Thanks to Travis you can setup full stack CI environment in minutes. This includes not only automatic unit testing on server side, but also deploying your mobile app to testers in real time.

My sample project provides full-stack continuous integration environment. It takes advantage of free Travis-CI service.

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With DynamicXray you can visualise your dynamic animator live at runtime, exposing all dynamic behaviours and dynamic items.

DynamicXray is implemented as a UIDynamicBehavior. This means it can simply be added to any UIDynamicAnimator to enable the introspection overlay. By default, all behaviours owned by the animator will be visualised.

Authored by Chris Miles.


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