RxKeyboard provides a reactive way of observing keyboard frame changes. Forget about keyboard notifications. It also perfectly works with
Reactive Extensions
RxSwift For Dummies 🐣
RxSwift is one of those things you have to try yourself to really start appreciating. It’s the one piece of the puzzle that I was missing to glue all the patterns like MVVM, VIPER, Coordinators/Routing.
It’s hard to express what RxSwift really is, because it does a lot. In general it serves as a great observer pattern with a mix of functional and reactive programming. It’s important to say what it isn’t and it isn’t Functional Reactive Programming in it’s original definition. It’s heavily inspired on FRP, so we can say that it contains Reactive and Functional features.
If you don’t know what FRP is, don’t worry for now – you’ll be able to discover it yourself in this tutorial. You’ll gradually learn what Functional and Reactive mean in the FRP.
Using Realm Seamlessly in an RxSwift App
This article is for everyone who is already using RxSwift to develop mobile apps and is looking to use Realm in their reactive code base too.
Make UITableView more Reactive with RxSwift
If, like me, you are bored to always write the same kind of code to make simple things with the UITableView (and UICollectionView), this post is for you! Thanks to RxSwift you can implement simple (and more complex) tableview behaviours with very few line of code. Read more
Implementing MVVM in iOS with RxSwift
There are countless articles on MVVM in iOS, but few are specifically about RxSwift, and few focus on what MVVM looks like in practice and how to do it.