In a fight for great software architecture, our hands are often tied by the shortcomings of frameworks or languages we work with. Simple tasks like downloading a photo and presenting it in a view, updating a view when underlying data changes, or propagating user input to a model tend to introduce unnecessary complexity to our code.

In this post we’ll present a solution that makes binding of dynamic data to user interfaces as simple as it gets, giving you an opportunity to focus on what needs to be done, rather than on how to do it.

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With Apple CloudKit, you can focus on your client-side app development and let iCloud eliminate the need to write server-side application logic.

This is a library to simplify the access to Apple’s CloudKit data and notifications.

EVCloudKitDao comes with example application:

The AppMessage demo is a complete functional messaging app based on CloudKit:

  • News items are fully functional. Just try adding, deleting and updating newsitems from the CloudKit dashboard.
  • The Contacts list based on your phone contacts that also have installed the app.
  • Chat with someone using text messages, pictures and sending your location
  • It also has TestViewController.swift for an overview of the functionality

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Learn how to create a cool circular image loader animation in Swift using a shape layer, layer mask, and more!

The GIF to the right shows the loading animation, which marries a circular progress indicator with a circular reveal animation. The combined effect is fascinating, unique, and more than a little mesmerizing!

This tutorial will show you how to recreate this exact effect in Swift and Core Animation. Let’s get animating!

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People tell you that you’re supposed to avoid mutable state, but how can anything happen if you never call a setter? People tell you that you’re supposed to write unit tests, but how can you test a user interaction? People tell you that you’re supposed to make your code reusable, but how can you factor it out of your enormous view controllers?

Andy Matuschak is an iOS Developer at Khan Academy, and previously helped build iOS 4.1–8 on the UIKit team. In this talk, he presents a pragmatic approach to managing complexity in inherently stateful systems.

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Here’s a tutorial from Javier Soto on functional programming in which he goes in-depth describing some functional programming concepts using Swift examples.

In the tutorial Javier explains what a functor is, and using nice example describes what a specific type of functor – the monad – is.

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Learn how to draw with Core Graphics, using modern techniques such as IBDesignable, IBInspectable, and Swift!

Core Graphics is Apple’s vector drawing framework – it’s a big, powerful API and there’s a lot to learn. But never fear – this three-part series will ease you into it by starting out simple, and by the end you’ll be able to create stunning graphics ready to use in your apps.

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Swift, true to its name, is moving fast. This week marks the beta release of Swift 1.2, a major update to the language. The Swift team has responded to so many of the community’s requests in one fell swoop, we’re overflowing with new and exciting features. Every line-item in this announcement is a big advancement: incremental builds, improved error messages and stability in Xcode, static class properties, support for C unions and bitfields, bridging of Swift enums to Objective-C, safer type casting, improvements to single-line closures, and more.

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