Performing common image manipulation tasks using the iOS SDK can get quite messy. Here’s a Swift based library called Toucan that provides a nice clean API for common image processing tasks from Gavin Bunney.

The features of Toucan include:

  • Image resizing with scaling, rotation, and cropping
  • Image masking with circles, rectangles or custom images
  • Borders with customizable width and color
  • Easy chaining of the different image processing stages
  • Examples showing how to perform each operation, and their combinations

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Here’s another interesting Xcode plugin submitted by John Holdsworth called Remote that allows you to control an iOS device using definable macros called remote for easier testing.

Remote was created to eliminate the need to have to manually touch the device to test an app, and provides a simple way to create macros during testing using snapshots to run the macros and check for validity.

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Here’s a component called XLPagerTabStrip inspired by PagerTabStrip and PageView from the Android SDK providing a nice solution for navigating between a collection of view controllers from XMARTLABS.

XLPagerTabStrip provides gesture based scrolling between views with a position indicator above the view, or you can provide a scrollable tab selector which is great for navigating between a wide number of views. An example demonstrating the different ways to navigate with XLPagerTab strip is included.

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I recently had the pleasure of attending Cocoaconf Atlanta, where I attended an excellent 2D gaming workshop given by Josh Smith. The workshop featured Apple’s SpriteKit (SK), which was released two years ago and is a very powerful 2D gaming framework that also includes a great, easy to use, physics engine.

In this post I’ll cover some major features of SK’s sprite rendering and physics engine by implementing a small iOS game!

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Here’s another nice library for working with SpriteKit providing a number of useful of SpriteKit helpers called HLSpritekit from Hilogames that is especially useful for those looking to create an interface within their SpriteKit scenes.

Some of the features of HLSpriteKit include:

  • Loading of scene assets in the background
  • Easier gesture handling
  • Organization of content into a grid format
  • A Toolbar node
  • A button node
  • A layout manager for table-style layouts
  • Modal presentation of nodes

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Dealing with optionals is unavoidable in any Swift program that interfaces with the Cocoa or CocoaTouch libraries. Realistically that is all of them with a very few limited exceptions. Handling them is often annoying a although I am very glad of the rigour that they enforce on me. In fact I like the rigour so much that I never use implicitly unwrapped optionals (variable declared with !) and I use force unwrapping only in very limited circumstances.

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One of the new challenges of working with extensions such as WatchKit extensions is that since they run on a separate layer from your app you’ll need to add in a mechanism for data updates.

Here’s an open source library from Conrad Stoll of Mutual Mobile that allows you to easily create a bridge between an iOS extension and it’s application so you can easily pass data between the two locations called MMWormhole.

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