The excellent playground feature in Xcode 6 provides a great way to create interactive programming examples, but unfortunately only works with Swift.

Here’s a library submitted by Krzysztof Zablocki providing an extensive feature set for creating Playgrounds in Objective-C called KZPlayground.

Some of the features of KZPlayground as stated in the readme include:

  • Faster than Swift playgrounds (a lot)
  • Extra controls for tweaking:
    • values
    • images
  • Auto-animated values
  • Synchronizing DSL’s
  • Buttons
  • IDE agnostic, once you run it, you can modify the code even from vim.
  • Full iOS simulator and access to all iOS features, so you can prototype production ready code.
  • Nice DSL for rapid prototyping
  • CocoaPods support, so you can add it to existing projects to experiment
  • Open source, anyone can contribute to make them better!

An example project is included.

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Here’s an open source release submitted by Krzysztof Zablocki that provides a project bootstrap for high quality coding called KZBootstrap.

KZBootstrap provides a nice labled icon setup making it easy to distinguish between build types, extra scripts for more warnings such as for todo’s and warnings when files get big. easy setup of environments within a plist file using Xcodebuild or Jenkins, clickable links within logging using CocoaLumberjack, extra conveniences for easier debugging, and more.

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xcres searches your Xcode project for resources and generates an index as struct constants. So you will never have to reference a resource, without knowing already at compile time if it exists or not.

It includes loose images, .bundles, asset catalogs (.xcasset) and even .strings in the index.

It gives you code autocompletion for resources and localized string keys, without the need of an Xcode plugin.

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Here’s nice tutorial from Yari that explains how to use the new feature in iOS 6’s interface builder that allows you to preview and update your custom components.

The key to using this new feature are the IBDesignable and IBInspectable keywords, and in order to get things working you’ll need to implement your custom component within a framework.

In the tutorial Yari covers each step in creating a simple custom component that can be viewed, and adjusted directly within interface builder.

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The tutorials explain many aspects of Swift, Xcode 6, and the basics of new APIs such as HealthKit and UIVisualEffects, and the source code has been updated to work with the latest iOS 8 SDK releases.

Some of the topics covered in the tutorials include:

  • A quick Swift beginners guide
  • Xcode 6 Playground Basics
  • Using HealthKit
  • Creating sharing extensions
  • Creating Photo editing extensions
  • Setting up a XIB as a launch screen

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Sean McCune of the Big Nerd Ranch on testing asynchronous code in Xcode 6:

If we have a test that has to kick off an asynchronous task, whether it runs in another thread or in the main thread’s runloop, how do we test it?

Good news is:

With Xcode 6, Apple has added test expectations to the XCTest framework in the form of the XCTestExpectation class. When we instantiate a test expectation, the testing framework expects that it will be fulfilled at some point in the future.

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MALoggingViewController is a real-time pseudo-console you can embed in your application, perfect for testing and debugging in the real world.

No more driving around town with the Xcode console open, or having to handle logging to files and emailing them later to figure out what the heck happened – you can see all the data on your device, anywhere, in real time.

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MCLog plugin adds a search box to the bottom right hand corner of the Xcode debug console, and can even handle regular expressions. The filtering works on the console output in real time which is very nice when you have a lot of unwanted statements coming out.

Here is an animation from the readme showing MCLog in action:

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Here’s a project that providing an Xcode 6 playground with examples of a number patterns that you can use within your own projects, or just for learning called Design-Patterns-In-Swift from Oktawian Chojnacki.

Some of the design patterns included are:

  • Singleton
  • Builder
  • Abstract Factory
  • Prototype
  • Facade
  • Strategy

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