Warszawskie Dni Informatyki 2014

On this year’s WDI event, I’ve performed a short speech about techniques used in iOS apps development. In case you are interested in mentioned tools and resources, I am providing some links below.


Coming soon!

Links to mentioned tools and resources

» iOS Human Interface Guidelines «
User Experience & Design Strategies by Apple.

» PaintCode «
A vector drawing app that generates Objective-C code in real time.

» SpriteBuilder «
Great tools that helps building top-quality games in a fraction of the time. Open source and free to download.

» Cocoapods «
Dependency manager for Objective-C projects. It has thousands of libraries and can help you scale your projects elegantly.

» Cocoa Controls «
Open source and commercial UI components for iOS and OS X.

» Crashlytics «
Crash reposting tool for iOS and Android. Free, including enterprise features.

» Ray Wenderlich blog «
Tutorials for iOS apps and games developers.


Backstage of creating iOS apps
Download presentation slides (pdf)