I recently had the pleasure of attending Cocoaconf Atlanta, where I attended an excellent 2D gaming workshop given by Josh Smith. The workshop featured Apple’s SpriteKit (SK), which was released two years ago and is a very powerful 2D gaming framework that also includes a great, easy to use, physics engine.

In this post I’ll cover some major features of SK’s sprite rendering and physics engine by implementing a small iOS game!

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Here’s another nice library for working with SpriteKit providing a number of useful of SpriteKit helpers called HLSpritekit from Hilogames that is especially useful for those looking to create an interface within their SpriteKit scenes.

Some of the features of HLSpriteKit include:

  • Loading of scene assets in the background
  • Easier gesture handling
  • Organization of content into a grid format
  • A Toolbar node
  • A button node
  • A layout manager for table-style layouts
  • Modal presentation of nodes

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Learn how to add card game mechanics into your Sprite Kit games using Swift!

In this tutorial, you’ll use Sprite Kit to manipulate images that serve as cards in a CCG app. You’ll move cards on the screen, animate them to show which cards are active, flip them over and enlarge them so you can read the text — or just admire the artwork.

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Learn how to make a game like Candy Crush for your iPhone in this 2-part tutorial series – and get a great Swift tutorial along the way!

In this Swift tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a game like Candy Crush named Cookie Crunch Adventure. Yum, that sounds even better than candy!

In the process of going through this tutorial, you’ll get some excellent practice with Swift techniques such as enums, generics, subscripting, closures, and extensions. You’ll also learn a lot about game architecture and best practices.

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A port of iOS-2048 to Apple’s new Swift language. The game is present and working, but a number of auxiliary features haven’t yet been implemented.

Like the original Objective-C version, swift-2048 does not rely upon SpriteKit. See the description for iOS-2048 for more information.

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