Cesar and Clay chat about building games for iOS with Swift. In this episode we talk about Clay’s newly released book, while also discussing the game development ecosystem, predicting the apple marketplace, the process of game making, and the practicality of creating a game development company.

Swift game development is very exciting. If it isn’t already obvious with the content of our site, we love to talk about game development. Mobile gaming is a rapidly growing market, and iOS is by far the most rewarding and exciting to build games for. If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to build an iOS game as an indie developer, we have some resources and advice for you.

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TestFlight has been around for many years, solving a common problem, distributing iOS applications for beta testing. Earlier this year, Apple acquired Burstly, TestFlight’s parent company. During this year’s WWDC, Apple showed us what that acquisition meant for iOS developers. Good news, that’s for sure.

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Curious how Apple created their interactive Swift playgrounds, which included embedded code and documentation?

Matt Mathias of Big Nerd Ranch provides some insight:

In this post, I will show you how to peek inside the .playground file to gain a sense of how a Playground is put together. Glancing at these internals will help you to create your own interactive document.

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Sean McCune of the Big Nerd Ranch on testing asynchronous code in Xcode 6:

If we have a test that has to kick off an asynchronous task, whether it runs in another thread or in the main thread’s runloop, how do we test it?

Good news is:

With Xcode 6, Apple has added test expectations to the XCTest framework in the form of the XCTestExpectation class. When we instantiate a test expectation, the testing framework expects that it will be fulfilled at some point in the future.

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Here’s a library that allows you to very easily show directions within many popular map apps called CMMapLauncher from Citymapper.

CMMapLauncher provides a simple syntax for detecting whether a directions app is installed, and setting up those directions.

Here’s an example from the readme showing how to launch directions within the Citymapper app:

CLLocationCoordinate2D bigBen = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(51.500755, -0.124626);
[CMMapLauncher launchMapApp:CMMapAppCitymapper
            forDirectionsTo:[CMMapPoint mapPointWithName:@"Big Ben"

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