Seamlessly update your app based on the ambiance of your users. Inspired by “Path Talk – The New Messenger,” AmbientStatus offers all of the same “Ambient Status” features, with more to come.

AmbientStatus provides delegates and properties for all of the features in the description above:

  • Transit Monitor ASTransitMonitor

    • Whether the user is in transit, and the type of transit (Stationary, Walking, Running or Driving), and notifications of any change.
  • Battery Monitor ASBatteryMonitor

    • Provides battery percentage and state (Unknown, Unplugged, Charging or Full) for up to date battery level, and notifications of any change.
  • Location Monitor ASLocationMonitor

    • Detects if the user has entered within a kMaximumRadius of a location (CLLocation), and provides feedback upon leaving the area.

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